30 May 2022
His Eminence
Cardinal-elect William Goh
Your Eminence,
It is with great joy and thanksgiving to God that I learnt of your recent elevation to the Cardinalate by the Holy Father Pope Francis. This appointment is both an honor to you personally as the Head of the Singapore Church and also to our Regional Bishops’ Conference.
As a Prince of the Church I believe you will be able to play a bigger role to assist the Holy Father in the governance of the Church. Your rich pastoral experience in Singapore and in the Asian Church will definitely be a plus factor.
Together with the clergy, religious and laity of Kota Kinabalu, I wish you God’s abundant blessings. Rest assured of our continuous prayers in your added responsibility.
Congratulations and may the Spirit be with you!
Yours fraternally
Archbishop John Wong
Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu