Archbishop John Wong puts ash on one of the faithful
By Euseclara Suah
Feb 27 2023
DONTOZIDON, Penampang – Close to 600 faithful showed up for the Ash Wednesday morning mass on Feb 22 at St Paul, Dontozidon.
Ash Wednesday, which marks the first day of fasting for Catholics, is the beginning of the Holy Season of Lent.
The usual 6.30 daily morning mass, which often attended by small number of regular church goers, had a surprising turn out on that morning.
The celebrant, Archbishop John Wong shared in his homily, three points to focus on during the Lent season. Firstly, he said, “Participate in the suffering and resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ who came to invite all of us to embrace eternal life.”
Secondly, he emphasized that, ‘This holy season of Lent is a time for reconciliation with God and with one another.” He also reminded that it is a time of “healing of wounds and division among us and God.”
In his third point, Archbishop encouraged the parishioners to renew their faith and embrace the Gospel.
“Time for renewal of our faith. If you received the ash, I hope you will hear the Lord said ‘repent and believe the Gospel’. It’s time for us to renew our faith and embrace the Gospel.”
The prelate concluded his homily with a reflection question, “Ask yourself and reflect over the holy days, what should I do on this Holy Season of Lent?”