Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam
By Herald Malaysia
Oct 29 2020
The 25th anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam was celebrated on Oct 4, 2020.
Venerable Brother
Murphy Nicholas Xavier Pakiam
Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur
Heartfelt Congratulations on the joyful event of the Silver Jubilee of your episcopal ordination – recalling the great results of your pastoral activity for the sake of the Christian lay faithful entrusted to you, your commitment to your laudable ministry, prudently and laboriously completed, your faithful example of life, sound doctrine and love for the Church in union with the Supreme Pastor.
Praying earnestly for you the solace and gifts of the Holy Spirit with the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary and St Francis, I affectionately impart my apostolic blessing.
Dated 7 September 2020 at the Lateran in Rome.
A great help“The appointment of Bishop Murphy Pakiam as my auxiliary has certainly lightened my workload and I am glad for all the assistance I am receiving while discharging my duties. (April 22, 1997)
Late Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez
Second Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur
My experience with him has always been enriching“My first recollections of Emeritus Pakiam was in 1995 when he was consecrated Auxiliary Bishop of KL. The ceremony took place in College General Penang when I was a seminarian in my 1st year Philosophy. I remember serving at that historical Mass. Then in 2003, Bishop Pakiam became my Archbishop up until 2014.
“As my Archbishop for 12 years, whenever I was in Cardijn House for official business or drop in to say “Hi”, my experience has always been enriching. The visits were always extended as he has much to share of his ideas and thoughts.
Archbishop Pakiam can have some strong and thought-provoking opinions. A man of clear thinking, convinced of his beliefs and articulates them persuasion. An avid reader, underlining points, highlighting phrases, scribbling notes and sharing insights to those who would give him the time to listen.
“One thing that struck me about Emeritus Pakiam was his ability to trace and connect persons to places. He will try and link you to a place he knew or someone from your family tree that he was acquainted to. This ability of his is fast fading today but he still speaks with passion on topics that are close to his heart that have been more deeply imprinted than others.
“I look forward to going with Emeritus to Open Houses during the many cultural and inter faith gatherings. He is truly an advocate of Interreligious dialogue and relations. He reaches out to peoples of all faith and is comfortable dialoguing with them. I believe he had also gone to the palace of the King during his Birthday and appealed for justice and mercy for a prisoner. A man who is unafraid to stand up and speak for the oppressed and down-trodden. A man who is also unafraid to say “I’m sorry”.
“I am very fortunate to have Emeritus Pakiam and Cardinal Soter with me when I was thrust into this office. They have been my pillar of strength and support, offering me advice and encouragement when needed. I am so very grateful to God for them.
“Wishing Emeritus Pakiam a Blessed 25th Silver Jubilee of his Episcopate and good health always.”
Most Rev Julian Leow
Fourth Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur
God be praised and Thank You
“I was appointed auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur by Pope John Paul II on April 1, 1995 and Ordained as Bishop on October 4, 1995 in College General.
“I was installed as the third Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur on May 29, 2003 after our Cardinal, then Archbishop Anthony Soter Fernandez, stepped down as Archbishop on May 24, 2003.
“My retirement as Archbishop when I turned 75 on December 6, 2013 was accepted by Rome on December 13, 2013.
“The Coat of Arms, which every Bishop has, highlights my priority of Mercy and Peace.
“After 25 years as Bishop, I can attest that God has been gracious to me and certainly Merciful.
“I have treasured my days in Kota Bahru, Kelantan when I was to take care of the parish that was awaiting their parish priest who was away for studies.
“When I came to this Archdiocese from Penang Diocese, Archbishop Soter welcomed me and guided me. Those were the precious times with a great Pastor.
“I am very grateful for the support of all the Laity, Clergy and Religious. The cordial relations even with people of other religions is heartening.
“What can I say after being given the grace of 25 years as Bishop?
“It has been a great time heading a Church whose foundations had been laid according to Vatican II and elaborated by FABC principles of collaborative ministry.
“I take this opportunity to thank our Archbishop Julian Leow for his warm friendship. To each and every one of you who are present here and those who are viewing this Eucharistic celebration from their homes through live-streaming, I say a BIG Thank you.
“I thank the Almighty God for his faithfulness and Love. GOD BE PRAISED.”
Archbishop Emeritus
Tan Sri Murphy Nicholas Xavier Pakiam