Bishop António Francisco Jaca, S.V.D. at Rádio Ecclésia de Benguela
By Vatican News English Africa Service – Vatican City & Anastácio Sasembele – Luanda
Dec 29 2020
Notwithstanding COVID-19 restrictions surrounding Christmas liturgies in Angola, the Bishop of Benguela warned the faithful to guard against indifference and fear.
The Bishop of Benguela Diocese, António Francisco Jaca, S.V.D., on Sunday, celebrated Mass at the Benguela General Hospital with the sick and staff. He encouraged patients not to lose hope despite their illnesses.
Indifference and fear kill the soul
Bishop Jaca marked this year’s Christmas festivities with various activities and visits to homes and centres for children and the elderly, before and after Christmas Day.
Speaking at the Benguela hospital chapel, the Bishop warned of the dangers of what he called the “pandemic of indifference and fear” which kill the soul and hope for those in need of care.
Rádio Ecclésia de Benguela
Angola’s Christmas liturgical celebrations were this year limited in scale due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
And the director of the Benguela General Hospital, Eduardo Kidossobua, who was present at the Eucharistic celebration, said it was essential to strengthen humility in caring for the sick particularly at this time when the COVID-19 pandemic had placed a strain on health care delivery.
The Bishop also visited and celebrated Mass in honour of Father Manuel da Silva at the Casa do Gaiato and gave a Christmas message of hope at Radio Ecclesia in Benguela.
(Additional reporting: Benguela Blogspot) – Vatican News