Lorry carrying aid for more than 3,500 families
By Agenzia Fides
Sep 29 2020
RANCAGUA – The first phase of the “Five loaves and two fish” solidarity campaign, promoted by the diocese of Rancagua, which was able to deliver aid to over 3,500 families in particular situations of need, has ended. According to information provided by the diocese, $ 491,790,000 in contributions were raised from individuals, companies and institutions, which translated into food and clothing were delivered to the most vulnerable in the diocese. The second phase of this charity initiative now begins.
“With the help of the Lord and of many people who collaborated, today we can say that the first goal, which was to reach 3,500 vulnerable families with food, has been achieved”, said the Apostolic Administrator of the diocese of Rancagua and Bishop of the diocese of San Bernardo, Mgr. Juan Ignacio González. With the donations collected, food and new clothing were purchased to be delivered to families.
As the diocese points out, it was a real chain of solidarity: the delivery of food and clothing was achieved thanks to the cash contribution of individuals, families, companies and institutions; then a large number of volunteers prepared the boxes that were taken to the various collection points of the diocese, where the parish priests and the fraternal help teams took them and went to deliver them to the most needy.
The economic and social consequences of the pandemic are still strongly felt in Chile. For this reason, a second phase of this campaign has been planned, the motto of which is: “Five loaves and two fish: families help families”. It was thought that every family that is in a position to do so can help another family by donating food, in this way the situation would be very different, said the Bishop. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 25/9/2020)