Fr Cosmas Lee, rector of St Simon Likas Church at the parish Feast Day Mass 2020
By St Simon Likas SOCCOM
Jan 13 2021
Fr Cosmas Lee on MCO2.0 “It’s a spiritual obligation to watch the live-streamed Mass of the parish every Sunday so that we are spiritually and to some extent physically, gathered together in worship as a community of believers.”
LIKAS – The rector of St Simon Catholic Church here, Tuesday, said with the implementation of Movement Control Order phase 2 (MCO 2.0), all parish activities are cancelled until further notice.
“When we cannot physically fulfill our Sunday and other days of obligation, we can consider the obligation dispensed,” Fr Cosmas Lee said in the statement, adding that the 8.30am Sunday Mass will continue to be live-streamed on YouTube.
“However, there is certainly a spiritual obligation to watch the live-streamed Mass of the parish every Sunday so that we are spiritually and to some extent physically, gathered together in worship as a community of believers. Let no one lose the sense of Sunday, the Day of the Lord.”
He added that the nightly Rosary Together via Zoom at 8pm continues and encourages more parishioners to join in, “so that we can stay together, pray constantly, and not lose heart.”
The Zoom meeting details: Meeting ID is 530 714 6378, passcode: Simon@Pray; or weblink:
Meanwhile, the office will also be closed. For emergencies, parishioners can contact the parish mobile phone at +60 13 860 5887.
“Let’s be faithful in these trying times, pray for each other, be alert to each other’s needs,” Fr Cosmas said. “May the Lord protect us and bless us in His special ways throughout the MCO!”