March for Life participants marching to protest against abortion
By Agnel Maria
Aug 24 2023
CHARIS India promotes a March for Life to raise awareness against abortion and voice the rights of the unborn. The rally took place in the state of Maharashtra, India.
Cardinal Oswald Gracias led a “March for Life” in Pune, Maharashtra, to protest India’s abortion law. The Archbishop of Bombay, along with participants of the march, submitted a memorandum in support of the rights of the unborn to local authorities. Despite opposition from a majority of Indians from various religious organizations, abortion has been gradually legalized.
The date chosen for the march, 10 August, marks the anniversary of India’s Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act that legalised abortion 52 years ago.
CHARIS India, the National Governing Body of Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services in India, hosted this 2nd National March for Life in Maharashtra, India.
The event included an Exhibition for Life hosted by the Catholic Diocese of Pune. Many school students, amongst the participants, were educated about the dignity and respect for the life that the Lord has gifted each and everyone. Other events included the performance of an acapella group, “Joyful 6”, described as a living testimony to witness that children are a blessing.
The “March for Life” anthem by Ajin Joseph, national coordinator of the Youth United 4 Faith was also released during the same occasion to bring awareness against abortion.
Participation of Prolife Organizations
“It is said that more than 15 million abortions take place annually in our country,” said Archbishop Francis Kalist, who also serves as the national episcopal advisor for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (CHARIS).
Prolife organisations such as Jesus Youth Prolife, Youth United for Christ (YU4C), Human Life International, Saved Pearl Foundation, Life for All, Coimbatore and Eva Prolife participated with their members chanting slogans and holding placards that called for the repeal of the Act.
Regarding the latter, the Archbishop stated: “We should continue to pray and discern God’s will and launch this ministry. The remarkable thing is that the youth wing of CHARIS India – YU4C – undertook the initiative.”
Future Collaborations
“We decided to take a bold step last year to create a greater impact in our country by introducing the first March for Life India 2022, in the 51st year of legalizing abortion in our country” one member of YU4C said speaking to reporters, “Two-hundred people joined together to fight for the common cause of protecting life from conception till natural death. We’re very excited to see nearly five times as many people turn out for the second march for life this year.”
The main agenda of the march is to continue to raise awareness and involve more secular participation from different religions, and cultures in the next years.
The Charismatic Commission of Kerala Catholic Bishop Conference (KCBC) and the Archdiocese of Trichur is scheduled to co-organize ‘India’s March for Life – 2024’ next year on the same black day of August 10th. – Vatican News