Fr. Corrado Maggioni, president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses
By Renato Martinez
May 25 2023
The president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses gives details on the 2024 meeting to be held in Quito, Ecuador, from 8 to 15 September, noting how it will offer an occasion to “awaken spiritual dynamism and help the Catholic Church examine and foster evangelization.”
The 2024 International Eucharistic Congress in Ecuador will aim to be an event of fraternity and hope, especially for host nation Ecuador where the people and the Church are facing multiple challenges. The celebration will recall the importance of the mystery of the Eucharist, a sacrament that allows us to “see ourselves as children of the Father and therefore brothers and sisters among ourselves.” This is how Father Corrado Maggioni, president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses, presented the International Eucharistic Congress (IEC2024) that will take place in Quito, Ecuador, from 8 to 15 September 2024. In recent days, organizers unveiled the event’s logo and hymn, which were also illustrated on Wednesday 24 May at the Holy See Press Office by Archbishop Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus of Quito, president of the Local Committee, onhand with Fr. Maggioni.
From Budapest to Ecuador
Speaking to Vatican News following the meeting point at the Press Office, Fr. Maggioni, explained that following the previous international eucharistic congress in Budapest in 2021, the reason for choosing Ecuador for the next gathering had to do with the 150th anniversary of Ecuador’s consecration to the Heart of Jesus. The local Bishops’ Conference saw this as a way to awaken spiritual energies and an opportunity for the Catholic Church to assess, give witness to, and strengthen evangelization, both locally and beyond. Ecuador then submitted its candidacy to the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses, which, in turn, presented it to Pope Francis who approved it.
Theme on fraternity
The theme of the Congress is “Fraternidad para sanar el mundo” (Fraternity to heal the world), recalling Jesus’ words “You are all brothers.” Fr. Maggioni explained that this is a very timely theme for Ecuador, but also for the Church, as the encyclical Fratelli tutti notes. And the emphasis on this theme in Ecuador aims to contribute to local efforts to overcome difficulties and strengthen positive relationships in social, political, and cultural spheres. He also notes that it is the Eucharistic theme par excellence, because the celebration of the Eucharist helps us to see ourselves as children of the Father and therefore as brothers and sisters.
Eucharistic communion
Fr. Maggioni recalled that the Eucharist is the guarantee of communion with Christ, and the Eucharistic mystery makes Christ present with us and us with Him. And as we are called to be the living body of Christ today, as a leaven in the world, the Eucharist is the high road, a transmission of life from Christ.
Preparations underway
On 23 May the presidential council meeting of the Committee took place with the Archbishop of Quito and his delegation presenting the logo and hymn. Guideline texts are being prepared to illustrate the topics of the Congress and in time for the preparatory phase involving all the dioceses of Ecuador and other countries. The delegates appointed by the various Episcopal Conferences will meet tIn September in Quito to draft the meeting agenda, programming, and communication. – Vatican News