Bishop Sebastian Francis of Penang, Malaysia
Feb 17 2023
11 February 2023
Rt Rev Sebastian Francis
Catholic Diocesan Centre, 290 Macalister Road, 10450 Georgetown
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Your Excellency Rt Rev Sebastian Francis,
Fraternal greetings from the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC). On behalf of the FABC, I am happy to appoint you as the Chairman of the FABC Office of Social Communication (OSC) for a period of three years w.e.f., January 01, 2023. Your first term of appointment is for three years. As per the statutes of the FABC, on completion of the first term, your appointment is renewable for a second term.
I wish to thank you for your kind acceptance of this position of leadership in our collegial responsibility for the service of the episcopal conferences in Asia. I am sure, together with the other member Bishops and the Executive Secretary of the OSC, you will be able to lead and guide the FABC OSC in furthering the mission of social communication in Asia.
One of the important responsibilities which the FABC has entrusted to the FABC OSC is the management and governance of the Radio Veritas Asia (RVA). I am confident that with your experience and competence you will be able to guide and lead the RVA in its mission of proclaiming the Good News to the peoples of Asia.
As the universal Church, through its magisterium, continues to give great emphasis on social communication in the mission of the Church, let us strive to make the FABC OSC a vibrant and effective instrument for strengthening the episcopal ministry of the Church in Asia in the service of the Gospel.
I pray the Lord to grant you wisdom and courage to fulfil the responsibilities of this new Office.
Charles Maung Cardinal Bo, SDB
Archbishop of Yangon & President of FABC
Fr William LaRousse, MM
Assistant Secretary General