Pope Francis meets members of SERMIG (Vatican Media)
By Lisa Zengarini
Jan 9 2023
Speaking to 300 members the Italian Youth Missionary Service (SERMIG) Pope Francis praises the organization’s tireless work with young people to build fraternity and peace inspired by the Gospel, reminding them that peace always comes from God.
“War can be done without God, but peace can be done only with Him”. Pope Francis stressed this point as he addressed members of the Italian Youth Missionary Service – “Servizio Missionario Giovani” (SERMIG) – on Saturday morning. SERMIG is a Catholic organization that gathers young people, married couples, families, and religious men and women committed to spreading the Gospel of hope through volunteering in peace and in solidarity projects for the poor.
It was founded in Turin, Northern Italy, in 1964 by an Italian Catholic couple, Ernesto Olivero and his wife Maria, and a group of young people who wanted to engage in concrete action for social justice and peace inspired by the Gospel.
In his address Pope Francis praised the work of the SERMIG, which, he said, “is a kind of large tree grown from a small seed” sown in the Sixties, noting that this period marked by the Second Vatican Council, was a “fruitful time” for the Church, which saw the flourishing of many ecclesial lay movements.