Members of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences gather in Thailand for a general meeting in November 2022. (Photo by Joe Torres)
Dec 16 2022
We, the bishops — chairmen and secretaries of episcopal commissions for Social Communication in FABC member conferences — gathered in a hyflex onsite and online meeting from November 6 to 10, 2022, for the 27th annual FABC-OSC Bishops’ Meet.
The conference theme “Communication and the Synodal Church” explored the impact of (1) synodality and the communication ministry, and (2) the role of communication in a synodal Church.
Resource persons from the Holy See, Singapore, Sri Lanka, India, and the Philippines explored the theme from various perspectives. Representatives from the Holy See’s Dicastery for Social Communication and the Secretariat of the Synod, the Catholic Media Council (CAMECO), and Radio Veritas Asia (RVA) were also present and joined the deliberations.
Pope Francis’ call in October 2021 for synodality and a synodal Church has initiated a process of reflection at all levels of the Church on ways of living the spirit of synodos (Greek) and its equivalent concilium (Latin), which essentially beckons the pilgrim people of God to journey together on a common path.
The process continues worldwide to unfold and lay down mechanisms for the formation of a synodal Church where the faithful journey together, in communion with one another recognizing their dignity and equality in Christ through their baptism, in active participation and mission towards a common goal.
Our deliberations thus focused on the nuances of the theme of the three-year synodal process from 2021 to 2024 with its focus on “Communion, Participation, and Mission.”
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