Women migrated from the Philippines, attending the Holy Mass and fellowship to celebrate the event
By Parish SOCCOM and Migrant Ministry, Holy Trinity, Tawau
Nov 8 2022
TAWAU – Migrants searching for ‘greener pastures’ to look for a better life is as old as the Bible itself. Tawau has been a melting pot for many from the Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, China, and other Asian regions since as early as the 50’s. Many forefathers migrated here and contributed much to the economy of this region, particularly Tawau. Holy Trinity Parish is very much involved in this process.
The parish celebrated the 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees with this year’s theme, “Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees”. It was a packed Church with many attending the Holy Mass in their colourful traditional attires. The local Church emphasized on educating the people about the plight of our migrant brothers and sisters and welcoming new arrivals to the parish.
The migrants’ community have assimilated into society and significantly contributed to the growth of the Catholic faith. If one attends Mass, one will see how their culture enriched our gathering with music and in the liturgy.
The Indonesian consul pays their teachers’ salaries, and Tawau Parish provides free usage of classrooms. The church has taken a positive step in providing free education through the Community Learning Centre (CLC). It has been thriving for more than 11 years, with more than 300 students comprises pupils from primary one to form three doing Indonesian text. Those who pass form three are eligible to further their studies in Indonesia.
Children of local and migrant parishioners perform during the celebration
Descendants of the migrants are very much interwoven in the local community that many attend Chinese schools and speak fluent Mandarin. It is them who keep the parish active, and their support is essential to the movement of the Holy Trinity. The local Church indeed needs the migrants to grow.
Local migrants are also present in the parish from outside Tawau such as like Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Lahad Datu.