Images of the Saints accompany parishioners sitting at the Mass
Aug 2 2020
TANJUNG ARU – The reopening of Stella Maris Church here in Tanjung Aru to her devoted parishioners filled the air with joy and excitement during her first Sunday Mass since the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown on Aug 2.
Preparations began a month before with meetings between the parish priests and the Parish Pastoral Council coordinators. During the meeting, a committee was formed, headed by Ben Wong, to oversee the carrying out of the SOP required by the government. A total of 240 seats was allocated for each Sunday Mass.
As the church gate opened at 7am, an hour before Mass, pre-registered parishioners trickled in, had their temperature and attendance taken, and ushered by wardens and matrons to pre-arranged seats. Each parishioner sat a meter away from each other, with a picture of a saint pasted between them replacing the normal ‘X’ sign indicating not to be seated. Wong explained that pictures of saints were chosen to inspire the parishioners, as well as to have a sense of saints sitting next to them.
Fr Peter Abas welcomed the parishioners and asked them to reflect on their feelings of their return to church. He reckoned that everyone has a different way of expressing the anticipated day of coming back to church. He underlined that the pandemic may have created social distancing but it did not stop the people’s adoration of God. Rather it has intensified a longing and thirst for Him. The lockdown has been a good pause to ponder on matters which we have put on hold, and care of our loved ones whom we have neglected.
Appreciating the people’s spirit in the new norm of attending Mass, Fr Abas reminded the parishioners “Nothing can come between us and the love of Christ even when we have troubles in our way, or persecuted or threatened.” He asserted that this pandemic is one of the biggest challenges to test our faith and urged all “to put our complete trust in our Lord God Almighty”.
He reminded all to abide by the government SOP and to stay in good health.