A view of Bahrain National Stadium, where Pope Francis will preside over Mass
By Joseph Tulloch
Nov 2 2022
Pope Francis invites the faithful to pray for his upcoming Apostolic Journey to Bahrain (November 3-6), so that “every meeting and event might be a fruitful opportunity to promote, in the name of God, the cause of fraternity and peace.”
On Tuesday, the Solemnity of All Saints, Pope Francis prayed the Angelus with the faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square.
After the prayer, he addressed those present, beginning by discussing his upcoming Apostolic Journey to Bahrain.
Journey to Bahrain
On Thursday, Pope Francis will travel to the Kingdom of Bahrain, where he will remain until Sunday.
‘It will be a journey under the banner of dialogue,’ he said. While in the country, the Pope will participate in the ‘Bahrain Forum for Dialogue: East and West for Human Coexistence’, which, he said, will have as its theme ‘the inescapable need for East and West to come more closely together for the sake of human coexistence.’
The Holy Father added that during his trip he will ‘have the opportunity to engage with religious representatives, particularly Islamic.’ After the Forum for Dialogue, the Pope will meet with Sheikh Ahmad Muhammad Al–Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, and hold an audience with the members of the Muslim Council of Elders. These encounters will be followed by an ecumenical meeting and prayer for peace with members of various Christian denominations, at the Our Lady of Arabia Cathedral in Awali.
The Pope concluded his address by asking for prayers for his journey.
‘I ask everyone to accompany me with prayer, so that every meeting and event might be a fruitful opportunity to promote, in the name of God, the cause of fraternity and peace, which our times so desperately and urgently need.’
Prayer for Ukraine
The Pope also used the period after the Angelus to ask for prayers for Ukraine, a request he has made continually since the outbreak of war in the country.
‘Dear brothers and sisters, please, let us not forget martyred Ukraine,” he said. ‘Let us pray for peace; let us pray that there might be peace in Ukraine.’
Greeting to pilgrims and runners
The Holy Father also took the opportunity to greet various groups of pilgrims gathered in the crowd, as well as participants in the ‘Race of the Saints’, a ten-kilometre run beginning in St Peter’s square, which this year aims to race awareness of the difficulties faced by children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
‘I am happy to welcome the participants in the Race of the Saints, promoted by the “Missioni Don Bosco” Foundation,’ Pope Francis said. ‘Thank you for your beautiful initiative and your presence!’ – Vatican News