Fr Cosmas Lee addressing the parishioners during his homily at the Daily Mass on July 28
By Audrey J Ansibin
July 30 2020
KOTA KINABALU: After weeks of planning by the Parish Health Team, St Simon Catholic Church Likas finally reopens its doors to Daily Mass with 30 attendees on July 27.
On the second day (July 28) of the 6.30pm Daily Mass, its rector Fr Cosmas Lee talked about the parable of the wheat and darnel — Jesus’ lessons about the coexistence of good and evil.
“The darnel is there for the good of the wheat. The presence of the darnel (evil) is also good for those who are good. Of course, make no mistake about it, in the end the evil will be spoilt, the good will be justified.
“As we wait for the day of judgement (the day of harvest), it’s important for us to be steadfast — saintly,” Fr Cosmas said during his brief homily.
Despite all the challenges and temptations, he said “we must stay steadfast and learn to grow and be purified”.
“Let us ask the Lord for the grace to persevere in the face of daily temptations, in the face of the attacks from the evil one.”
The rector also urged more people to attend the Daily Mass. Parishioners can do walk-in registrations as long as they meet the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) requirements.
Meanwhile, the parish welcomed 185 parishioners on the partial reopening of its 8.30am Sunday service on July 19. Those interested to attend Sunday masses at the parish can register online via Google Form ( or contact the parish office at 088-212713.
Those who are not able to attend the Sunday service can join the live-stream Mass at its YouTube page under “St Simon Likas”.
More pictures on the Daily Mass can be found on the parish’s Facebook page at