By Herald Malaysia
May 9 2022
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord has risen from the dead.
By His resurrection, He has set me free from the darkness of my life; my spirit has risen from the “dead” and lives in hope as a consecrated person. My vocation as a religious is a precious gift from God; I am being renewed in spirit to have a deep relationship with Him.
Before, I was ignorant of my relationship with God. Everything I did even facing challenges, I relied on my own strength and ability and reserved a small place for God, which eventually led me to abandon Him. As a result, I felt restlessness and emptiness in my heart.
My turning point began when I challenged myself, and asked God to renew me if He wanted to. With His grace, I regained my strong desire to radically give my life to Him and my heart longed for Him more and more. Then I realised that God’s love is indeed outreaching and self-giving and He is my sole love “My God and My All”. Now I find myself able to become more and more loving, kind, gentle, understanding, forgiving and patient. I can see and feel that my community and those I meet and work with in my daily life, are privileges and places of encountering God. Besides that, when I face trials and difficulties, His Grace gives me the courage and I am ready to start all over again. As Jesus rises from the tomb, He lifts me up together with Him, and that joy of resurrection gives me peace and hope in my heart.
Religious life is a continual conversion which involves God’s call and my response as I surrender to His invitation. To say “Yes” is to move and to be moved; I am no longer where I was.
I am grateful for being called to this way of life. To God Be the glory! Amen. – Herald Malaysia