Religious sisters from various congregations under the Archdiocese of KK
By Linda Edward
Feb 7 2022
KOTA KINABALU – Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu joined the universal Church in celebrating the World Day of Consecrated Life, Feb 2, in conjunction with the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, at a 9am Holy Mass presided by Archbishop John Wong.
In his homily during the Feast Day Mass, the prelate emphasized on the words said by both Prophet Simeon and Anna when they encountered the saviour in the baby Jesus in the temple.
God increase, we decrease
Simeon, a just and pious man, said “Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace for my eyes have seen your salvation…a light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.”
In these words, the prelate said we must let God increase and we decrease.
“Very often we try to build our own kingdom, rather than His Kingdom. Jesus should be the center, the light of the world. We are not the center. We should allow him to increase, and we should decrease.
“In our missionary work, are we bringing Jesus and allow Him to increase and we decrease?” he asked.
Franciscan sisters with Fr Andrew Kim from Clerical Society of the Most Holy Trinity of Mirinae South Korea and Friar Cruzender Alex OFM based in Archdiocese of KK
Continue to share the Good News
Prophetess Anna has been praying all the time for Jerusalem in the temple. The prelate said she has been longing for the coming of the promised Messiah.
The moment she encountered Jesus, she was already advanced in age but she continue to share the good news.
The Archbishop calls the consecrated men and women to do the same no matter whether they belong to a religious congregation or as a diocesan minister.
Feast of the encounter
“Simeon and Anna are symbolic people in all sacred history that represent Israel and all humanity, that is longing for the promised Messiah.
“He (Jesus) is here today, presenting Himself to you and I.
“The Pope said the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple is also known as Feast of the Encounter. The first encounter of Simeon and Anna with the baby Jesus.
“What is your first encounter with Jesus, recall that experience and ask yourselves, where would I meet Jesus again?” said the prelate.
A Marist brother and a Franciscan sister are spreading the light of candles
World Day of Consecrated Life (WDCL)
The celebration gathered all consecrated women and men of the Archdiocese at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Feb 2.
Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese appreciates the service of several religious congregations – Marist Brothers, Brothers of St Gabriel, Good Shepherd Sisters, Daughters of St Paul, Franciscan and the Carmelites, under the coordination of the Council of Religious, led by Bro Thomas Paul SG.
Archbishop Wong thanked all congregations for their service to the Church here.
“Thank you for your presence in this Archdiocese and also your contribution in one way or another through your charism to build up the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu.
“Let us come together in this Archdiocese to build up the kingdom of God in the different charism that we have.
“Be assured of my prayers. I always pray for you religious. One way that we can come together and help one another is praying for the vocation, be it joining the congregation or the diocese.
“If we want to continue to serve, we need successors.
“So pray for one another, especially for our young people and encourage them to respond to the call of being a religious or a priest,” said the prelate.
Also present at the Mass were seven archdiocesan priests, two religious Korean priests – Fathers Lawrence Kim and Andrew Kim, Friar Cruzender Alex OFM, lay communities (third order), and some parishioners.
Before the Holy Mass procession, the Archbishop blessed the candles at the entrance of the Cathedral. Fr Russell Lawrine then blessed the consecrated people with the holy water followed by lighting a candle and spreading the light to them who were holding unlighted candles.
On that day, the consecrated men and women also renewed their life of consecration by renewing their vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience to the Most Holy Trinity and her Church. In his turn, the Archbishop then blessed them.