Over 100 participants attended the “Elephants in Civic Space” conference in Podgorica, Montenegro (SMART Balkans project)
By Vatican News
Jan 25 2023
Vatican Radio and Vatican News participated in a conference in Podgorica, Montenegro, to encourage debate about the contribution of faith communities in civil society. Father Felipe Herrera-Espaliat called for strengthening trust through transparency and institutional accountability.
More than thirty years after the end of the fierce Balkan War, the breakaway countries of the former Yugoslavia are still searching for ways to strengthen themselves internally, cooperate with each other and integrate with the rest of Europe. Part of this task involves motivating the diverse members of civil society to become protagonists in the development of their nations. This is the aim of the Smart Balkans project, which coordinates the countries of the so-called Western Balkans: Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia.
More than 100 representatives of non-governmental organizations, academics, researchers, journalists and activists, recently gathered at the “Elephants in Civic Space” conference in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. For two days they reflected on the real and concrete contribution that religions can make to strengthen civil society. Aware that religious communities have been systematically neglected in the restructuring of these nations, citizens today want to build bridges so that religions can contribute to development thanks to their spiritual and social backgrounds.
“In light of the general challenges faced by the Western Balkans countries, such as low economic development, slow transition, and problems with the rule of law, it is necessary to point out the contribution of religion and civil society in all these issues. Religion is vital in forming culture, self-awareness, and national identity in the Western Balkans. Therefore, it is essential to discuss its influence on all the areas above”, said Aida Daguda, the director of the Center for Civil Society Promotion of Bosnia and Herzegovina.