Abp John Wong during the Palm Sunday procession at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Mar 30, 2023
Apr 3 2023
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord (Year A – Apr 2 2023)
Theme: The Lord enter into the Holy City for our salvation
A. As you read, listen and reflect on the Gospel today, what strikes you the most in the ‘Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ’ according the Gospel of St Matthew?
1. Sisters and Brothers, the Liturgy today teaches us that the Lord has not saved us by His triumphal entry or by means of His powerful miracles. If so, through what did He save us?
2. 2nd Reading: Letter of St Paul to the Philippians – there it tells us how:
i. Self-Emptying
ii. Becoming a slave
iii. Humble
3. Because of this, Jesus Christ was:
i. Through His self-emptying, God gave Him the ‘Fullness or Embrace everything’;
ii. Through His becoming slave, He is our Master and King now;
iii. Through His Humility, God rise Him up above everything, and every kneel should bow before Him.
B. As we enter into this Holy Week: Are we really want to take this journey with Jesus and learn from Him the paths of
i. Self-emptying – so that God come and occupy in us.
ii. To be a slave – in order to be the service for all.
iii. Humility – so as to allow God to work through our lives.